In connection with Scandinavian Star Task Force’s work, personal data can appear in the gathered material. This can be data and material from survivors, relatives, support groups, experts and public authorities, both in Denmark and abroad.
The Task Force processes personal data following the Danish data protection Law and the General Data Protection Regulation.
The data which the Task Force gathers, is primarily ordinary personal data such as name, address, age, employment history, work related correspondence, contact information, economic circumstances etc. The legal grounds for the Task Force’s processing of personal data is the General Data Protection Regulation article 6, subsection 1, point e. To the extent which the Task Force processes sensitive personal data, the legal grounds for this is the General Data Protection Regulation article 9, subsection 2, point g. When the Task Force processes data about criminal offences, the legal ground is the Danish data protection law, paragraph 8, subsection 1.
The Task Force expects to be done with its work within 1 and half year. At this time, it cannot be said with certainty when the work will be finished, but the personal data will not be stored no longer than necessary.
Furthermore, the Task Force has been asked to provide a rapport about the inquire. The rapport, which can contain personal data, will be published, unless certain conditions speaks against this. Finally, there is a possibility of parallel police investigation, if the Task Force determinates a foundation for this, or the police or prosecution determines this at the end of the Task Force’s work.
Your rights:
- In connection with Scandinavian Star Task Force’s work, the following applies concerning your personal data
- You have the right to insight in the information which regards you and the right to get information about the handling of this information.
- You have the right to get untrue information about you corrected.
- You have the right to get your information deleted, if one of the requirements in the General Data Protection Regulation is met.
- You have the right to make an objection, even if the handling of information is legal, if you have significant reasons against the handling of your information.
- In some cases, you have the right to receive your information and to request that the personal data is transferred from one data responsible to another.
You can read more about your rights at Datatilsynet
Request about insight, correction, deletion, limited handling of information or objection is to be send to:
Scandinavian Star Task Force
Task Force Scandinavian Star
c/o Retten på Frederiksberg
Howitzvej 32
2000 Frederiksberg
Complaints are to be send to:
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby
Scandinavian Star Task Force data protection officer:
The Task Force has appointed a data protection officer, who is an expert within the rules of processing personal data. The data protection officer’s task is among others to consult the Task Force about compliance with the rules of data protection.
The data protection officer can inform you further about the rules for data protection. The data protection officer can also inform you about your rights regarding the Task Force’s processing of personal data and who to contact, if you wish to make use of your rights.
The Task Force’s data protection officer is Lawyer Jesper Husmer Vang.
You can contact him in the following ways:
By phone: +45 36 94 14 58
By letter:
Lawyer Jesper Husmer Vang
Plesner Advokatpartnersselskab
Amerika Plads 37
2100 København Ø